Trolleyed (adj.) - Drunk. I was told that adding "ed" to any noun means drunk. I never tested out that information. "Oh, I drank too much... I was so trolleyed last night!"
There is an eerily similar feeling tingling down my spine, a feeling once experienced about nine months ago on the eve of my departure from the US of A. This trip is a bit different, but no less exciting by any means. I've been wanting to go on this trip since I heard about it in the Fall of 2010, a wide-eyed wee bambino fresher in Dr. Gillin's English 101 class. Since then, I've taken his History of English Literature I class and his Romanticism class (my favorite!). I will take his 19th Century Novel class next fall, and he also will be my thesis advisor next year. So, to say it simply, I am a fan. I have heard nothing but great things from this program (words that quickly come to mind are challenging, life-changing, fun, incredible, etc.).
I never planned on going to Kiplin, which is a pretty strange thing to say. I wanted to study abroad in England, so last summer, I was working to earn spending money for the duration of my stay. Only Lord knows how many hours I spent hostessing at dear ol' Harry's Oyster Bar in Atlantic City. I couldn't afford (literally) to lose three weeks out of the summer, plus I figured I would be going to England anyway in the fall. But as the residual post study abroad feelings increased, the itch to travel increased simultaneously.
One day, probably in late February, my friend Claire was talking about getting her "Kiplin Hall info in," or something like that. I'm fairly certain my response was an abrupt, "EEEEEK!" or an incomprehensible yell, coupled with a punch in the arm. I had no idea that she was going. "WHAT?!" THEN Claire said (quite calmly, I might add), "Yeah, there are still spots available if you want to go."
I immediately emailed Dr. Gillin, and took one of the remaining spots available. Yes, I drained my bank account, and yes, I have no regrets (even before the trip). This might be indulgent to go twice in one year, but I figured if I were to go, I would want to go before I graduated so the credits would still count towards my major. Also, a little indulgence every now and then never hurt anyone... right? Mine just happens to be in the form of an academic course via trip to England.
I just finished packing... it looks a bit different from when I had to pack for three months. I'm now a fan of packing light (cue flashback to the nightmare of navigating through the London Underground with suitcases on suitcases on suitcases), so it wasn't too difficult.
My next three weeks! |
I read a quote the other day by Jack Kerouac that resonated with me. I would type it out, but I just found this pretty picture instead:
...going to do just that.
Plaster (n.) - Bandaid. I don't know why, but I found that one funny.
This day feels particularly English (rain coming down in sheets, reading Wuthering Heights for the thousandth time and STILL horribly irritated by its contents, listening to "Flaws" by Bastille on repeat), so I figured I would write about my upcoming English-y endeavors.
It's hard to believe - I mean it, difficult to grasp - that in a week, I'll be on a plane returning to the motherland. Motherland to my country, not necessarily to me.
Reflecting on my time abroad, and as cliche as this sounds, it has truly become a part of me. There isn't a day that goes by that something doesn't remind me of England - after all, I have a 3' x 5' Union Jack flag occupying my wall to behold daily.
I have a particular love for story-telling, a trait from both parents. At the dinner table, it is almost impossible to finish a story before dinner is done, and whoever's telling the story (Yelling, "I'M TELLING THE STORY!" probably more than once, impersonating the disgruntled pirate from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie), indubitably, has a cold meal. Us Rosenbergs take FOREVER to tell a story, but if there's time, there's usually a good punchline or a laugh to be had in its conclusion. I suppose I didn't notice it before, but lately, I've been consciously aware of the fact that most of my stories are connected to my abroad experience. For example, it happened while I was working the other day. I was fulfilling a stereotypically "intern" duty, stuffing the Summer Advising Day binders full of important information for the incoming freshmen -- yes, it was as exciting as it sounds. Whilst working (and avoiding paper cuts), I put on the Disney Pandora station, singing along to "Under the Sea," "Zero to Hero," and other Disney classics. Admittedly, there were embarrassing dance moves to accompany my off-key singing. Somehow, listening to the Disney Pandora station sparked a DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movies) reminiscence between my fellow intern Kelly and I. It reminded me of a time in England where Obella, Macauley, and I had particularly lazy days and watched a few DCOM movies in one sitting (it was probably the weather that brought on such lethargy). Simple examples like this arise all the time -- I sometimes want to stop myself for fear of sounding too snobby or condescending , saying, "That time I studied abroad..." etc., etc. Condescending about what, I'm not too sure. I just never want to be "that guy."
Feeling such a way, that my study abroad experience is inherent in every day life, makes me want more. I'm itching to travel, dream, and discover. Because I am so blessed and fortunate, I'll be going on the Kiplin Hall trip soon, the great-return-to-England trip I mentioned earlier in this post. I've heard nothing but amazing things about this trip from students who previously went to Kiplin Hall with Dr. Gillin, my favorite professor. I cannot imagine a better academic setting. I'll be following the footsteps of the great Romantics, hiking in the Lake District and other areas of Northern England. I regretted returning to America without traveling up North (Royal Holloway was southwest of London), but this is my golden opportunity to do so -- I'll get four credits, it counts towards my major, it will help with my thesis, it's outdoors-y, heck, all of the above.
Life is good.
In the meantime, listen to the soundtrack of my study abroad experience, the fantastically beautiful Abbey Roads Studios production of "Flaws" by Bastille. Not to sound like "that guy," but I actually went to Abbey Road Studios... ha ha ha.