HELLoooOOOOO! : I tried to create inflections of the English accent on how people say, "hello." It's fantastic.
Currently, I am sitting comfortably (finally, happily, ecstatically) in America, in New Jersey, IN MY HOME. There is no better feeling than bursting into a fully-decorated-for-Christmas Rosenberg house, the smells of mac and cheese oozing out of the kitchen (Mom mom's recipe... it's simply the BEST). Yes, I realize I neglected this blog while abroad, but nay, I have not. I've planned out many entries, but in order to post them with the perfectly accompanying pictures, I needed to download Macauley's pictures and my parents' pictures (Spoiler alert! My parents visited me!)... a task that had to wait upon my return to the dear states.
Now that I have an ample amount of time, I've decided to treat this blog as a great winter break project. Therefore, it will be done right, and it will be done well!
Stay tuned. :)